Thursday, June 23, 2011

Borrowed eggs and Jewish bread

I was reading Cupcakes and Cashmere today- a blog that inspires me to do something. So my sister Kendra and I decided to make a blog.
Well, I decided to make a blog and ask Kendra to take pictures!
So on Emily's blog, Cupcakes and Cashmere, I found a recipe for Challah on Smitten Kitchen.
We were short on eggs and didn't have the keys to the car with us, so some friends dropped some eggs by. While the bread rose, we took some artistic photos.

The Challah came out beautifully. I baked a round loaf and froze a straight loaf to give in exchange for the eggs. From now on, when I bake, I am going to freeze the second half and give it as gifts or thank-yous.